Good news and new fears

My RE was so happy to tell me the good news that she called me herself today: My beta is 202!

To which I said: WHEW.

I had a sinking feeling last week, at 5dp5dt, that this cycle hadn’t worked. After about 6 weeks of side effects from the meds, I woke up feeling pretty normal. So I took a test, and it was negative. My wife and I were crushed. She took the dog for a walk while I started cooking dinner. And I don’t know what happened, but by the time she returned I was convinced the test had been wrong. I was POSITIVE I was pregnant, and I told her so. She was skeptical.

So we tested again the next day with a Dollar Tree cheapie and got a faint positive. And again the next day. Still she was skeptical. Until 8dp5dt, when I woke up to this big fat beauty:


And as awesome as it feels, now the real fears are setting in. Ectopic, chemical, miscarriage are all words that are bouncing around in my head (and unfortunately cluttering my Google search history).

But I’m trying to stay positive. Because OMG we’re pregnant!


  1. Both my chemical pregnancies never showed such a strong positive as that and my beta was never as high for either. I think you have missed that boat at least. Such a great clear result. Very happy for you. Loving the fertile energy in the air at the moment. It seems to be around a bit. Yay!

  2. Congratulations! I think that’s a pretty strong test positive there! I think you are set for good things. Try to enjoy it and not stress too much (I totally know how hard that is!)

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